Monthly summaries

Free to access

Chose a variable to view below. These free pages show where the the globe has been warmer, colder, wetter or drier than normal for the latest complete month — some climate predictions for the next 80 years.

For the most up-to-date graphs,  which show where the planet is  warmer, drier, wetter or colder right now, click on the greyed out boxes to join. The premium data is updated every 48 hours using official N.O.A.A. global data.


Last month: where was wetter or drier - plus climate predictions for rainfall.



Last month: where was the average temperature warmer / colder - plus climate predictions for temperature.


Minimum Temperature

Last month: where was the minimum temperature warmer / colder than normal - plus climate predictions for minimum temperature.


Maximum Temperature

Last month: where was the maximum temperature warmer / colder than normal - plus climate predictions for maximum temperature.


Latest temperature.

Latest data: where is temperature warmer / colder than normal right now? Plus climate predictions for average temperature.


Latest minimum temperature

Latest data: where is minimum warmer / colder than normal right now? Plus climate predictions for minimum temperature.


Latest maximum temperature

Latest data: where is maximum warmer / colder than normal right now? Plus climate predictions for future maximum temperature.

Latest rainfall

Latest data: where is rainfall more / less than normal right now? Plus climate predictions for future rainfall.